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We Are Coming

Who Are We

This transmedia campaign will pick up in real-time after the release of the first movie, and serve as a campaign to get people excited for a next installement.

Users will have their first engagement with the transmedia campaign when news outlets begin reporting on famous paintings and sculptures turning up destroyed in their galleries, painted bright red. This is a collaboration with nearby museums, who are in on the ploy. 

The moment the news outlets begin to cover these stories, the Red Queen’s company begins plastering billboards all over town and on social media, inciting the audience to 'break free from the chains of order, and to fight for their right to be mad.'.

This campaign is a involves a lot of fake political campaigning about both actual topics that the queen cares about as well as things that have absolutely nothing to do with politics. Business cards will be handed out as well, offering strangely named job positions such as “pig bearer” and “Crown waxer” in her company. This campaign will begin pretty vague, but grows more vicious by the day as the Red Queen becomes aware of her sister and her temper begins to shine through.

The White Queen and her followers begin to suspect that something is amiss when the Red Company begins to instigate acts of minor rebellion - she also implores people to paint things of their red, making them ambassadors of the cause. 

The White Company start their own campaign which asks for order and kindness, and encourages people to help each other. One of the main ways they do this is the 'Send a Little Love' via their website, where people can write a little message that will be sent out as a physical card. Visitors are encouraged to write kind messages for the Red Queen as well, as the White Queen hopes to overwhelm her with kindness. 

Quickly after launching this initiative, she will begin to implore people to help find Alice, because Alice is important and “we will all need her”.

Her campaign only adds fuel to the fire, as the Red Queen now begins to use social media (namely Tik Tok, as it is a platform closer to her volatile nature) to whisper in the ears of her followers; Why do we need Alice? Why would Alice be more special than any of you? Wherever this Alice may be, she must not care very much at all or she would have come out of hiding. She states that any of her followers could be Alice. 

It is these exact words that lead the White Queen to the conclusion that her sister must know where Alice is, for she speaks with such certainty in her words. She launches a (rather harmless) counter assault to the destruction her sister perpetuated at the beginning of the campaign, shrinking and growing various objects and buildings to draw the attention to that which is going on.

Her campaign only adds fuel to the fire, as the Red Queen now begins to use social media (namely Tik Tok, as it is a platform closer to her volatile nature) to whisper in the ears of her followers; Why do we need Alice? Why would Alice be more special than any of you? Wherever this Alice may be, she must not care very much at all or she would have come out of hiding. She states that any of her followers could be Alice. 

It is these exact words that lead the White Queen to the conclusion that her sister must know where Alice is, for she speaks with such certainty in her words. She launches a (rather harmless) counter assault to the destruction her sister perpetuated at the beginning of the campaign, shrinking and growing various objects and buildings to draw the attention to that which is going on.

This harmless assault irks the Red Queen. She feels utterly confident in her own abilities and power, and as such she reveals to the world that Alice is a captive. She promises that Alice will be released if someone strong of will and pure of heart faces her down.

In order to prove that they are worthy, the audience must collect all of her playing cards; each card in the deck is tied to a game that can be found and played either online or at a location in the physical world. The audience is encouraged to work together and share cards to reach the goal in the allotted time.


The Red Queen is convinced that nobody will be able to complete all games, and crushing the spirits of those who try to defeat her will only prove how much more powerful and worthy she is of leading both worlds.

As the number on the card increases, so does the difficulty of the game that must be played. The most difficult games are the face cards, and the very last card in the game is the Queen of Hearts, which must be played against the Red Queen herself. Should the audience win, the Queen angrily concedes and releases Alice.




The prize for the audience will likely be intangible; a meet-and-greet with all of the characters that took place in the transmedia production, as well as an official document that names them an official ambassador of Wonderland. With this document in hand, they will be allowed access to Wonderland, should the two worlds ever meet again.


For a visual explanation about the journey the users will walk through, see chapter user journey overview. 

© 2021 by Amber Meijers & João Jarope.

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